اطلاعات رویداد :
Maja Milekić
وابستگی سازمانی :
Master’s student of Biomedical Engineering Insituto Superior Técnico of University of Lisbon
تاریخ :
چهارشنبه 23 شهريور 1401
از ساعت 18:00تا ساعت 20:00
نحوه برگزاری :
لینک ثبت نام :
Short Biography

Maja Milekić is an international master’s student of Biomedical Engineering at the Insituto Superior Técnico of University of Lisbon, in Portugal. She was born and raised in Zrenjanin, Serbia and her high school education was completed partially in her hometown, and in the Brazilian city of Florianopólis. University of Belgrade was her home for four years, where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the School of Electrical Engineering. Focus of her studies was in Signals and Systems, and particularly applications in biomedicine. After completing her Bachelor degree, she decided to move to Portugal to pursue a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering, focusing on Imagining, Biosignals and Medical Instrumentation. Currently, she is conducting a summer IAESTE internship at the Amirkabir Univeristy of Technology in Tehran, in the area of pavement management.


Inadequate pavement quality can have a negative influence on the fuel consumption, vehicle maintenance, drivers’ safety and comfort, and the emission of gases. Efficient pavement management systems are therefore necessary to ensure the optimal solutions and practices are applied. However, traditional ways of pavement data collection are often too expensive and inconvenient to cover the entire road networks in a timely manner. As smartphones are nowadays equipped with a variety of sensors, such as accelerometers, GPS and cameras, they can be a useful tool for collecting data on pavements. Moreover, since smartphones are widespread among populations, crowdsourcing can be applied in order to quickly collect a large amount of data covering all the network. Moreover, by creating a gamified users’ application, elements of the game design can be used to increase the engagement and motivation of the crowds of people to help the cause. Finally, application of artificial intelligence methods can be used in order to classify the collected data and provide outputs that will be used for the maintenance and management of pavements, as well as informing the drivers about the quality of roads they might encounter on their routes.

ثبت نام در رویداد

مستندات وبینار

گزارش وبینار

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Gamification in road management