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Users who publish work utilizing the datasets below are required to cite the following paper:
Sholevar, N., Golroo, A., & Esfahani, S. R. (2022). Machine learning techniques for pavement condition evaluation. Automation in Construction, 136, 104190.
Attain_RSP_WS_v2.0Sholevar, N., Golroo, A., & Esfahani, S. R. (2022). Machine learning techniques for pavement condition evaluation. Automation in Construction, 136, 104190.
Attain_RSP_OS_v1.0Valipour, P. S., Golroo, A., Kheirati, A., Fahmani, M., & Amani, M. J. (2024). Automatic pavement distress severity detection using deep learning. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 25(8), 1830-1846.
Attain_RSP_WS_v1.0Fahmani, M., Golroo, A., & Sedighian-Fard, M. (2024). Deep learning-based predictive models for pavement patching and manholes evaluation. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 25(1), 2349901.